
Posts Tagged ‘haunting society Copenhagen’

Day for Anecdotes

November 8, 2009 Leave a comment

Life can be surprising: while visiting new places you encounter many new people. If you are interested enough you can start talking to them and then you will find out things which maybe you would come across at some stage in your life but it is just nice to hear it from them.


1) We decided to go to a bakery to grab a snack, It was at Christianhavn, not the Lagkagehuset- the one on the other side of the street ( I think it is called Holm or something like that). So there we are, picking pepperoni pizza slice and asking to get it heated. While waiting for the slice we start chatting to the nice boy at the counter about Danish specialities and we find out that:

-Some years ago there was a strike of bakers in Denmark and for some time bakers from Vienna came over to help Danish people to survive. There were making what is called Viennoise pastry. After they left, Danish bakers got the recipe of Viennoise pastry and mastered it by adding BUTTER and SUGAR. This is what we call now Danish pastry: Viennoise pastry with more butter and sugar.

danish-viennoise pastry

danish-viennoise pastry

2) We were at Kobenhavens Bumuseum ( It is a city museum that I was quite excited about but it did not turn out to be as exciting. I have to admit I have learned few things like” everything is in fact about herring and that it is very liberal. But I kind of new that before…

Anecdote: we are leaving this magnificent building and ask the guard if there are any books about Copenhagen’s history. He says:”not really”. I do not remember how it ended like that but he actually told us about the history of the building where the Museum is: old haunting society building, mainly for rich people. After, by using the security camera placed outside the building he told us about what is around it, how the hunters build a huuuge wall that looks like a part of a castle just to protect themselves from being watched by other people, etc.

Lesson from it: always talk to people.