
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Graffiti as Art

It was a rare occasion: seldom does it happen that a work of a graffiti artist is presented in an actual gallery. This was such an event and what we expected is graffiti in a form of paintings nicely and orderly presented on the walls.

The event in Sankt Hans Gade 19 was visible from far away- quite a big crowd gathered outside of the “We are related” Gallery having chats, sipping beers. It was a particular crowd; one could easily say that they knew what graffiti is and were familiar with the “GH” ( Ghost’s famous Tag in the NYC Subway).

The exhibition was exactly what we expected: colorful graffiti forms in a more organized way ( our favorites were those made on actual subway leaflets). We could say: ” we kinda liked it but it didn’t kill us”. What we missed was a diversity of styles that we know that Ghost is capable of ( just go on ) but on the other hand the whole exhibition was amazingly coherent. Despite everything, the question whether Graffiti is ART will stay unsolvable…!

See event here

Categories: Uncategorized

Plan of the journey Bilbao- Warsaw ( only in Polish)

April 29, 2010 1 comment



22:50 przylot -> fura -> autovia do bilbao

10/04 – sobota

8:00 – 9:00 high five z mikolajem i poranna szamka.

[prezenty – podzial:

agatka: wodka gorzka zoladkowa 1l

Magdalena: kupi kabanosy, syr jakis taki wedzony, wedlina

Adas: wodka czysciocha 1l]

Caly dzien zwiedzamy/spacerujemy/odpoczywamy w bylbao.

Wieczorem mecz z localsami baskami dziadkami i ziomami

11/04 – niedziela

co chce nam pokazac Mikolaj? (lol); zwiedzanie intensywne z przewodnikiem

wieczorem baunsy

12/04 – poniedzialek

wycieczka krajoznawcza po kraju baskow (gory, plaze, miasteczka itd) – co zaproponujesz mikolaju?

13/04 – wtorek (opuszczamy gibonnsa)

powolna, malownicza podroz do Oviedo wzdluz wybrzeza (yay!) – foto time, zwiedzanie Asturias.

nocleg u Losieczka, bez Losieczka


przyjazd Losieczka, intensywne zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem szlakiem Vicky christiny 😀 – knajpy, bary i puby koks I dziewczynki. Si si. Ach.

Wieczorem bansy

15/04 – czwartek

surfing USA, wystawianie wielorybich urokow w celu zauroczenia surferow. Si si.

Wieczorem powrot do bilbalo. Chillout w jakims local barze.


wyjazd wczesny, zdanie samochodu, powrot do warszafky



w Gironie odwolany lot, okazalo sie, ze wulkan puscil bonkersa I unosi sie nad europa czarna chmura

Zalamka, podroz do barcelony, gdzie szukamy szczescia.

Jazdaaaaa od dworca do dworca, gdzie opcji B-R-A-K.

Opcje dwie: Paris Paris, badz Amsterdam

Wybieramy wieze Eiffela, jednakowoz trzeba gdzies ulozyc nasze zbolale ciala na wieczor.

Kierunek- hacienda Pedra, gdzie przyjmowani jestesmy jak krolowie ( MEGA, kujowe kokosy)


Sniadanie standard Hilton +

Krotkie zwiedzanie Barcelony, Barrio Gotico, szybki shopping

Po drodze skarpetki w El Corte Ingles, zgubienie na Plaza Catalunya,

Kolejka podmiejska, obiad w haciendzie, siesta.

BA! Zakupiwszy bilety z Paris Paris nach Breslau. Pozniej sie zobaczy.

21. 00 brak odjazdu autobusu, stanie w kolei z wpienionymi francuzami.

Autokar pelen chillout , spanko, sniadanko o 5.00


podroz trwa – dojechali do Paris, gdzie koleja byla jeszcze wieksza.

Postanowili zjesc obiad w Macu, poklocic sie z czarnymi obywatelami Francji, jak rowniez Serbami, gruzinami I innymi nacjami.

Autokar zapakowany full, snu brak.

Zmiana w Strasburgu- kompani Hiszpanie utrudniaja nam czas.

Categories: Uncategorized

Fashion Fantastic

April 23, 2010 Leave a comment

The past times were full of extraordinary events that are still hard to comprehend or to believe in. Plane crashes, vulcano explosions, being trapped in a 21hour or longer bus rides to whatever destination one wanted to get to. All in all, everybody should be finally where they were supposed to be a week ago ( supposedly vulcano is not of danger anymore) and we can start our lives again.

Copenhagen is slowly blooming, doing better than ever, so are kanelsnegl’s friends. When the vulcano decided to suddenly throw out tons of ash, Marc Jacobs opened a new website for Danish costumers. The opening took place 2 days ago and as we all can imagine, it was fabulous. So where those people.

P squared

For more please go to

Kanelsnegl is ready to rock again.

Categories: Uncategorized


March 30, 2010 Leave a comment

The biggest difference between Warsaw and Copenhagen? Prices, variety of food and no-bike culture. The last one is not entirely true, because I happen to know where they were selling bikes just on Sunday. However, prices- much lower, food, coffee, books… Amount of corner shops with absolutely everything is so big that it strikes me, and you can find there absolutely everything: from bread, cheese, ham to fresh carrot juice for about 9dkk!

What is funny though, is that people here are completely different. They should be happy, they do not seem so. Some 20 year-olds yesterday decided to cover their faces with sunglasses even though there was NO SUN. As my friend would say: chilled. Another difference- everything here is about Easter, people do not work on Monday, they start preparing for cooking, talk about going to church…

hidden in center of warsaw

Categories: Uncategorized

Summer in Copenhagen

March 24, 2010 Leave a comment

I am waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Not even for the warmth, but sun- these blissful streams of light that actually make you wake up in the morning and be more enthusiastic about going wherever is that you have to go.

This is a photo from Copenhagen Street Style blog – I was curious when it gets warmer here. Well, photo comes from July ( yes! July!) 2009. I must admit that it is precisely the kind of weather I personally like in the summer- not too hot, not too cold.

Still, I am dreaming about wearing just a tshirt and shorts without thinking about boots, coats, scarfs ( only as an accessory) and hats.When we will go outside, have a bike ride and a picnic and maybe a nice breakfast on the roof of our house.

In the meantime, while we still stay most of the time in the interior of the buildings, you can have a look at the pages RECENT and STILL TO SEE. We keep updating ourselves with things we still have to see and the ones that we hear about.

Categories: Uncategorized

Not only “Larousse Gastronomique”

March 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Food brings people together- so it was in this case. Daniel Penn, food science student, decided to bring to people recipes that he particularly likes. The whole thing is called a “Good Grub” and it says pretty much everything.

As food lovers we could not miss this out: cookbook release with samples of food from the recipes in the book made by the author himself, sounded more than inviting. So we did try:
*mini kanelsnegls
*chocolate chip cookies
*pop corn in a cinnamon & caramel variations.
The crowd gathered in a small bar around Nyhavn, Monobar, hidden in a picturesque yard. The atmosphere was as it should be on Sunday- relaxed and very family-like. The host was particularly sociable, making sure that everyone is fine and that everything is at its place. Even unfortunate event of burning a basket did not stop anyone from enjoying the atmosphere.

When it comes to book itself few things have to be mentioned: thumbs up for the effort and idea (book included a CD with songs that should accompany the cooking, unfortunately the CDs themselves had not arrived yet). However, the whole thing seems to be more of a project than a serious deal- the book is actually a brochure bringing the notes of the author with the pictures mastered by an Art student- Samantha Taylor. As we flicked it through, we missed more recipes for something that is not sweet.

We are waiting for more. As we could guess from the author’s energy we will not wait long for another project. It makes me jealous- I will start writing my cookbook tonight!

See event here

Categories: Uncategorized

Pussy Galore- Flying Circus

March 16, 2010 Leave a comment

Believe it or not- this is for real. As in- this is not an entirely made up title. Well, because of Internet inconveniences due to our unreachable landlord we have to manage somehow and end up in the near by cafes offering free WIFI. The amount is huge: we had been to Laundromat, Plantagen by the square near Elmegade, some other cafes that the names I currently do not remember and finally PUSSY GALORE. Somehow, I thought, the name derives from French. As it turns out- not really.

Interior of Pussy Galore ( at first seems casual- a bar, waiters wearing Sobieski Vodka shirts, tables etc etc. But from wall to wall you can see a kind of collage representing old porn photos and in general- quite erotic scenes from the 60s/70s. “Galore” means “in great quantity” and comes from Gaelic.

Somehow, I could not believe that somebody made it up as a name for a bar. It must have been indicative of something and… guess what! It is !
Pussy Galore is a James Bond girl that actually has a group called flying circus. She was a character of Goldfinger that we all know so well because of it’s leading song. And this is a dialogue from a meeting of James Bond and Pussy Galore ( priceless!)

James Bond: Who are you?

Pussy Galore: My name is Pussy Galore.

James Bond: I must be dreaming.

So, if you want to see Pussy Galore in its glory, just stop by. In general the food looked good ( kind of tapas plates with cheese and ham), however, we personally haven’t tried it. Coffee was dreadful- ordered Cappucino turn out to be a baby milk with a drop of coffee. Smoothies or juices seemed a better idea.

Categories: Uncategorized

Fun times= I am too tropical

March 15, 2010 Leave a comment

( song of the weekend)

Living in a new pace requires celebration- this is what we did. Finally we gathered all our friends together and had some nice chats, drinks and just good time. We met our fantastic neighbours who make true what we call “neighborly friendship” and gave a new meaning to the word “TROPICAL”… Thank you all for coming and making our weekend so memorable!

Categories: Uncategorized


March 9, 2010 Leave a comment

pages had been updated- enjoy!

Categories: Uncategorized

Bread for the people

February 26, 2010 Leave a comment

If one is struggling to find a way to be wealthy and happy we have a solution: bake bread. What is striking about the bread in Denmark is that it is extremely expensive. I mean not like twice expensive- it’s three or four times more than in other countries like Greece/Poland even Switzerland. We do not know the reason for it- I guess flour must be expensive etc. However, the thing is, everybody eats bread. It is the most basic thing in every kitchen. Therefore one would thing it should be cheap ( i.e. in Libya bread is subsidized by the government so that every person can afford it- probably 2dkk for a whole loaf).

Now, here’s the deal: if you have to buy bread that is soooo expensive, just get a nice one. 2 or 5 dkk do not make a difference.

We suggest this one :

It is situated at Norrebrogade 42. Really nice bread and cosy atmosphere – you can also have a coffee there. More homely than Lagkagehuset or Emmerys. One would think it is unique and one would be mistaken- there are two more bakeries in Copenhagen http://www.detrenebrø This is ours though- soon we will become friends with the owners!

Categories: Uncategorized