
Posts Tagged ‘Sticker Svin’

Nick Cave was Fint! oops FIT:)

admiring paintings of Nick Cave

This was a special occasion: a book release consisting of ten tributes to Nick Cave entitled all together “‘Begær, Mord og Gud”,what literally means “Lust, Murder and God”. Everything was happening in a former petrol station turned into a space for creativity and good spirit called FIT ( to find out more: Location is also great- deeper in the Norrebro district, surrounded by houses, feels like a you are a part of a parallel universe.

To these who did not make it: well, the book would not be of a great fun to you, because it was in Danish. However, the crowd was particularly interesting- different ages, different styles, all gathered to talk about the artist.

heroes of the evening ( Sticker Svin)

What has to be underlined the most was the music- truly great job by Sticker Svin and his colleague, who at some point started wearing kind of Halloween masks making everybody sway away. Just to give you a gist of how it was: imagine remixes of Miike Snow “Animal” and  Cassius “Toop Toop”.
And portraits of Nick Cave all around.

See event here

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